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Undo Git Stash Pop: A Comprehensive Guide to Dismiss Mistakes Effortlessly

Undo Git Stash Pop: A Comprehensive Guide to Dismiss Mistakes Effortlessly

Undo your Git stash pop easily with this guide. Get step-by-step instructions and learn how to recover lost changes.

Undo Git Stash Pop is a crucial command for developers using Git as their version control system. As a developer, you might have encountered situations where you need to stash changes temporarily and pop them later. However, sometimes, popping the changes from the stash can lead to unintended consequences. If you have faced similar issues, then you must know how frustrating it can be to undo the Git stash pop and recover your lost changes. In this article, we will explore the different ways to undo Git stash pop and retrieve your lost work.

Before we dive into the solutions, let's understand the concept of stash in Git. Git stash is a feature that allows developers to save their changes temporarily and revert to the previous state of the repository. It is useful when you want to switch to a different branch or work on a different feature without committing your changes. You can stash your changes using the 'git stash' command, and later retrieve them using 'git stash pop' command.

However, sometimes, when you use the 'git stash pop' command, you might accidentally overwrite your changes or introduce conflicts in your code. This can happen when multiple developers are working on the same repository, and they have made conflicting changes. In such cases, you need to undo the Git stash pop and recover your lost changes.

The first solution to undo Git stash pop is to use the 'git reflog' command. Git reflog is a powerful tool that records all the changes made to the repository, including the stashed changes. You can use the 'git reflog' command to find the commit hash of the last stash operation and retrieve your lost changes.

Another way to undo Git stash pop is to use the 'git stash apply' command instead of 'git stash pop.' The 'git stash apply' command retrieves the stashed changes without removing them from the stash. This allows you to inspect the changes and resolve any conflicts before committing them to the repository.

If you have accidentally overwritten your changes while popping the stash, you can use the 'git fsck' command to recover them. Git fsck is a tool that checks the integrity of the repository and identifies any lost or corrupted objects. You can use the 'git fsck --lost-found' command to retrieve the lost objects and recover your changes.

Another way to undo Git stash pop is to use the 'git reset' command. The 'git reset' command allows you to reset the repository to a previous commit or state. You can use the 'git reset HEAD@{1}' command to reset the repository to the state before the stash pop operation.

If none of the above solutions work, you can try using the 'git cherry-pick' command to retrieve your lost changes. The 'git cherry-pick' command allows you to apply changes from one branch to another. You can create a new branch, apply the lost changes using 'git cherry-pick,' and then merge the branch with the main branch.

In conclusion, undoing Git stash pop is essential for developers who depend on Git as their version control system. We have discussed several ways to undo Git stash pop, including using git reflog, git stash apply, git fsck, git reset, and git cherry-pick. It is crucial to choose the right solution based on the specific situation and avoid losing your valuable work.


Git is a powerful tool that allows developers to manage changes in their codebase. One of the most useful features of Git is the stash command, which allows you to temporarily save changes that are not yet ready to be committed. However, sometimes things can go wrong when using the stash command. Specifically, if you accidentally use the git stash pop command instead of git stash apply, you may find yourself in a tricky situation. In this article, we will explore how to undo Git stash pop and recover your lost changes.

Understanding Git Stash

Before we dive into how to undo Git stash pop, it's important to understand what the stash command is and how it works. Essentially, the stash command allows you to save changes that you have made to your codebase without committing them. This can be useful if you need to switch to a different branch or work on a different task but don't want to lose your progress on your current work. When you run the git stash command, Git saves your changes and reverts your codebase back to its previous state. You can then retrieve your changes later by running either git stash apply or git stash pop.

Git Stash Apply vs. Git Stash Pop

While both git stash apply and git stash pop allow you to retrieve your saved changes, there is an important difference between the two commands. When you run git stash apply, Git applies your saved changes to your codebase but leaves the stash entry intact. This means that you can apply the same stash multiple times if needed. On the other hand, when you run git stash pop, Git applies your saved changes and removes the stash entry. This means that you can only pop a stash once – if you try to pop the same stash again, you will get an error.

The Problem with Git Stash Pop

While git stash pop can be a convenient way to retrieve your saved changes, it also has some potential pitfalls. Specifically, if you accidentally pop a stash that you didn't intend to, you may lose your saved changes permanently. This can happen if you have multiple stashes and accidentally pop the wrong one, or if you forget that you already popped a stash and try to pop it again. In either case, the result is the same – your changes are gone.

The Importance of Backups

One way to avoid losing your changes is to always make sure you have a backup before using the stash command. This can be as simple as creating a copy of your codebase before running git stash. That way, if something goes wrong when you try to retrieve your changes, you can always revert back to your backup and start over.

Undoing Git Stash Pop

If you do find yourself in a situation where you have accidentally popped a stash and lost your changes, don't panic – all hope is not lost. There are a few different ways to try to recover your lost changes.

Using Reflog

One way to recover your lost changes is to use Git's reflog feature. The reflog is a log of all the actions that have been taken in your repository, including commits, merges, and stash operations. By looking at the reflog, you can see a history of all the stash entries that have been created and popped, along with the commit hash for each entry.

To view the reflog, run the following command:

```git reflog```

This will show you a list of all the actions that have been taken in your repository, along with their commit hashes. Look for the entry that corresponds to the stash entry you want to recover – it should have a message like stash@{n}: ..., where n is a number representing the reflog index of the stash entry.

Once you have found the commit hash for the stash entry you want to recover, you can create a new branch based on that commit using the following command:

```git checkout -b ```

This will create a new branch based on the commit hash you specified, which should contain your lost changes. You can then review the changes and decide how to incorporate them back into your codebase.

Using Git Reflog and Git Reset

The above method is effective, but it requires manually creating a new branch and reviewing the changes. If you prefer a simpler approach, you can also use Git's reset command to undo the effects of the stash pop.

To do this, first find the commit hash for the stash entry you want to recover using the reflog as described above. Then, run the following command:

```git reset --hard ```

This will reset your codebase to the state it was in when the stash entry was created, effectively undoing the effects of the stash pop. Note that this will discard any changes you have made since the stash entry was created, so be sure to save your work before running this command.


Git stash is a powerful tool that can help you manage changes in your codebase. However, it's important to use it carefully to avoid accidentally losing your work. If you do find yourself in a situation where you have accidentally popped a stash and lost your changes, don't panic – there are ways to recover them. By using Git's reflog or reset features, you can undo the effects of the stash pop and retrieve your lost changes. Remember to always make backups before using the stash command, and be careful when using git stash pop to avoid accidental data loss.

Introduction: What is Git Stash Pop and why do we need to undo it?

Git Stash Pop is a command used in Git to apply changes from a stash to your working directory. This command can be handy when you want to temporarily save changes without committing them to the repository. However, there may be times when you want to undo the Git Stash Pop command. For instance, you may have applied the wrong stash or accidentally deleted some important files. In this article, we will explore different ways to undo Git Stash Pop.

Know your stash ID before undoing

Before undoing Git Stash Pop, you need to know the ID of the stash you want to undo. You can find the ID by running the command 'git stash list'. This command will list all the stashes you have made so far, along with their IDs. Once you have the stash's ID, you can use one of the following methods to undo the Git Stash Pop command.

Undo a Git Stash Pop with 'git reset'

One way to undo Git Stash Pop is by using the 'git reset' command. This command will reset your branch to a particular commit, discarding any changes made after that commit. To undo a Git Stash Pop, you need to specify the commit ID where you want to reset your branch. This method is useful if you want to completely discard the changes made by the stash pop.

Undo a Git Stash Pop with 'git reflog'

Another way to undo Git Stash Pop is by using the 'git reflog' command. This command will show you a log of all the actions you have performed on your repository, including stashes. You can use the reflog to find the commit ID before the stash pop and reset your branch to that commit. This method is useful if you don't remember the commit ID where you want to reset your branch.

Undo a Git Stash Pop with 'git stash apply'

If you accidentally popped a stash and want to undo it, you can use the 'git stash apply' command. This command will apply the changes in the stash to your working directory, but won't remove the stash. You can then use 'git reset' or 'git reflog' to remove the changes made by the stash pop. This method is useful if you want to keep the changes made by the stash, but not permanently apply them to your repository.

Undo a Git Stash Pop with 'git revert'

If you want to undo a Git Stash Pop while keeping the commit history intact, you can use the 'git revert' command. This command will create a new commit that undoes the changes made by the stash pop. The original commit and stash will still be in your history. This method is useful if you want to keep track of the changes made by the stash, but not apply them to your repository.

Undo a Git Stash Pop with 'git cherry-pick'

Another way to undo Git Stash Pop is by using the 'git cherry-pick' command. This command will apply a commit or range of commits to your current branch. You can use it to apply the commit before the stash pop and discard the changes made by the pop. This method is useful if you want to apply a specific commit, but not the changes made by the stash pop.

Avoid Undoing Git Stash Pop in Shared Repositories

It's essential to avoid undoing Git Stash Pop in shared repositories as it can cause issues for other users. If you need to undo stash pop in a shared repository, it's best to create a new branch to work on without affecting the codebase. This method will allow you to undo the stash pop without affecting other users.

Use caution when undoing a Git Stash Pop

Undoing Git Stash Pop can be a risky operation, especially if you have made multiple stashes. Make sure to only undo the stash pop that you intended to undo and not other changes made to your repository. It's also essential to test your code thoroughly after undoing the stash pop to ensure that everything is working correctly.


Undoing Git Stash Pop can be a lifesaver if you accidentally make an unwanted change. There are many ways to undo Stash Pop in Git, and it's essential to choose the right method for your use case. Remember to use caution and avoid undoing Stash Pop in shared repositories. Knowing the ID of the stash you want to undo is crucial before using any of the methods discussed above.

Undo Git Stash Pop: A Point of View


Git stash is a powerful tool that allows developers to temporarily save changes that are not ready to be committed. Stashing helps avoid losing changes, especially when switching branches or dealing with merge conflicts. However, there are times when developers might accidentally pop the stash, leading to unexpected results. This article provides a point of view on undoing Git stash pop and the pros and cons of using this approach.

Pros of Undo Git Stash Pop

  1. Recover lost changes: Undoing Git stash pop can help developers recover lost changes that were accidentally popped. This can save a lot of time and effort that would have been spent redoing the work.
  2. Undo unwanted changes: If the popped stash contains changes that were not meant to be applied, undoing the pop can help revert them and restore the code to its previous state.
  3. Retain the stash: Undoing the pop does not delete the stash, so developers can still apply it later if needed.

Cons of Undo Git Stash Pop

  1. Potential conflicts: Undoing Git stash pop can lead to conflicts if the popped changes conflict with other changes in the code. Developers need to resolve these conflicts manually, which can be time-consuming.
  2. Loss of changes: If developers do not carefully review the changes before undoing the pop, they might lose important changes that were applied by the popped stash.
  3. Complexity: Undoing Git stash pop involves multiple steps and requires a good understanding of Git commands. This can be intimidating for developers who are not familiar with Git.


Undoing Git stash pop can be a useful approach to recover lost changes or undo unwanted changes. However, it also comes with potential conflicts, loss of changes, and complexity. Developers need to weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether to use this approach or not. In any case, it is essential to have a good backup strategy to avoid losing changes permanently.

Keywords Description
Git stash A Git command that allows developers to save changes temporarily in a stack-like structure.
Pop A Git stash command that applies the most recent stash and removes it from the stack.
Undo A Git command that undoes a previous action, such as popping a stash.
Conflicts Situations where Git cannot automatically merge changes and requires manual resolution.
Backup A strategy to save copies of code and data to prevent loss in case of accidents or disasters.

Closing Message: Don't Panic and Undo Git Stash Pop Like a Pro

As we come to the end of this blog post, we hope that you have learned something new about git stash pop and how to undo it. We understand that undoing a git stash pop can be stressful, but don't panic! With the right knowledge and tools, you can recover your lost changes and avoid any potential setbacks.

Remember, git stash pop is a powerful command that allows you to apply changes from a stash to your working directory. However, if you accidentally pop the wrong stash or lose your changes during the process, it can be frustrating. But don't worry, there are several ways to undo git stash pop and recover your lost changes.

If you find yourself in this situation, the first step is to take a deep breath and remain calm. Then, use the methods we discussed in this blog post to undo the git stash pop and recover your lost changes.

One of the most effective ways to undo git stash pop is by using the git reflog command. This command allows you to see a log of all the changes made to your repository, including the stashes you created and popped. By identifying the commit ID of the lost changes, you can easily recover them by creating a new branch or using the git cherry-pick command.

Another useful method is using git stash branch. This command creates a new branch based on the changes in your stash, allowing you to work on the changes without affecting your current branch. If you accidentally pop the stash, you can simply create a new branch using git stash branch and continue working on your changes.

It's also important to remember to use git stash pop with caution. Before popping a stash, make sure you understand the changes it contains and that you're popping the right stash. If you're not sure, use git stash apply instead, which allows you to apply the changes without removing them from the stash.

Finally, we encourage you to explore and experiment with different git commands and tools to become more familiar with the system. Git is a powerful tool that can help you manage your code changes efficiently, so don't be afraid to try new things!

We hope that this blog post has been helpful in understanding how to undo git stash pop. Remember, don't panic! With the right knowledge and tools, you can easily recover your lost changes and continue working on your project.

Thank you for reading, and happy coding!

People Also Ask About Undo Git Stash Pop

What is Git Stash Pop?

Git stash pop is used to restore the changes that were previously stashed using the git stash command. When you run the git stash pop command, it will apply the most recent stash and remove it from the stash stack.

What is the difference between Git Stash Apply and Git Stash Pop?

The main difference between git stash apply and git stash pop is that git stash pop applies the changes and removes the stash from the stash stack, while git stash apply only applies the changes and keeps the stash on the stack. This means that if you use git stash apply, you can apply multiple stashes at once, while git stash pop can only apply the most recent stash.

How do I undo a Git Stash Pop?

If you accidentally ran git stash pop and want to undo it, there are a few steps you can take:

  1. Use the git reflog command to find the commit that was created when you ran git stash pop. This will give you the SHA-1 hash of the commit.
  2. Use the git reset command to reset your repository back to that commit. This will undo the changes that were applied by git stash pop.
  3. Use git stash apply or git stash pop to reapply the stash if you still need it.

Can I recover data after running Git Stash Pop?

If you accidentally lost data after running git stash pop, there are a few options for recovering it:

  • If you have a backup of your repository, you can restore it from the backup.
  • If you haven't committed the changes yet, you may be able to recover them using the git reflog command.
  • If you have committed the changes, you can use git revert to undo the changes and create a new commit.

What should I do before running Git Stash Pop?

Before running git stash pop, it's a good idea to make sure that you have saved all your changes and committed any files that are ready for commit. You should also make sure that you have a backup of your repository in case something goes wrong.