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Pops From Friday: A Look at the Memorable Comic Relief Character

Pops From Friday: A Look at the Memorable Comic Relief Character

Pops from Friday is a classic character played by John Witherspoon. He adds humor and wisdom to the movie's hilarious plot.

Pops, played by John Witherspoon in the classic film Friday, is a character that has captivated audiences for decades. His unique personality and comedic timing have made him one of the most beloved characters in the movie industry. From his memorable catchphrases to his hilarious antics, Pops has become a cultural icon that continues to entertain viewers to this day.

One of the reasons why Pops is so beloved is his relatable nature. Despite being a fictional character, he embodies the traits of many real-life individuals. He's an older gentleman who has lived a long life and has learned a thing or two along the way. He's not afraid to speak his mind and is always willing to offer up his wisdom when it's needed.

Another reason why Pops is so popular is his comedic genius. John Witherspoon was a master at delivering lines in a way that was both funny and endearing. He had a way of making even the most mundane situations seem hilarious. Whether he was talking about his wife's cooking or his love for gambling, Pops always had a way of making people laugh.

Of course, no discussion of Pops would be complete without mentioning his iconic catchphrases. From Bang, bang, bang on the door, baby! to You got to coordinate!, Pops had a way with words that stuck with audiences long after the movie ended. His ability to turn a simple phrase into a memorable moment is what made him such a beloved character.

But beyond his humor and catchphrases, Pops was also a character with heart. He cared deeply for his family and friends and was always willing to lend a helping hand. Whether it was giving Craig and Smokey a place to stay or offering up his advice to anyone who needed it, Pops was a man who truly cared about the people in his life.

It's clear that Pops was a character that resonated with audiences in a big way. His impact on popular culture can still be felt today, over 25 years after Friday was first released. He's a character that people love to quote and imitate, and his influence can be seen in countless other movies and TV shows.

In conclusion, Pops from Friday is a character that will forever hold a special place in the hearts of moviegoers everywhere. His unique blend of humor, wisdom, and heart made him an unforgettable character and a true cultural icon. Whether you're a fan of the movie or just appreciate great characters, there's no denying the impact that Pops has had on popular culture.


The movie Friday was released in 1995, and it has since become a cult classic. The film is known for its quirky characters, hilarious one-liners, and unforgettable moments. One of the standout characters in the movie is Pops, played by John Witherspoon. Pops is a wise, funny, and lovable character who steals every scene he's in. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Pops and his memorable moments in Friday.

Who is Pops?

Pops is the father figure of Craig, the main character in Friday. He's a retired man who spends most of his time sitting on his front porch, smoking weed, and dispensing advice to whoever will listen. He's a wise, funny, and lovable character who steals every scene he's in. Pops is also a bit of a ladies' man and is always flirting with the neighborhood women.

Pops' catchphrases

One of the things that makes Pops so memorable is his catchphrases. He has several famous lines that have become iconic in popular culture. For example, whenever someone asks Pops how he's doing, he always responds with Every day above ground is a good day. Pops also likes to say, You gotta coordinate, which means you need to get your act together or get your priorities in order. And of course, there's the classic line, Bang! Bang! Bang! which Pops uses whenever he's trying to scare off someone he doesn't like.

The relationship between Pops and Craig

Pops and Craig have a close relationship, even though they often get on each other's nerves. Pops is always giving Craig advice, whether he wants it or not. And Craig often has to bail Pops out of trouble when he gets into a jam. Despite their differences, however, they clearly love and respect each other. In fact, one of the most touching moments in the movie is when Pops gives Craig a pep talk after he gets fired from his job.

Pops' feud with Deebo

Pops has a long-standing feud with Deebo, the neighborhood bully. Deebo is always trying to steal Pops' bike, and Pops is always trying to protect it. Pops even goes so far as to booby-trap his bike with a hidden shotgun. When Deebo finally gets his comeuppance at the end of the movie, Pops is there to celebrate with everyone else.

Pops' romantic pursuits

Pops is something of a ladies' man and is always flirting with the neighborhood women. He even starts dating Craig's neighbor, Ms. Parker, at one point. Their relationship is short-lived, however, as Pops gets cold feet and breaks it off with her. But even though things don't work out between them, Pops remains a charmer to the end.

Pops' wisdom

Pops is a wise old man who has lived a full life. He's seen it all and done it all, and he's always happy to share his wisdom with others. Some of his best advice includes: You kids today don't know nothin' about nothin', Never trust a man with a perm, and Don't nobody go in the bathroom for about 35-45 minutes. While some of his advice may be a little offbeat, it's clear that Pops has a lot of life experience to draw from.

Pops' love for music

One of Pops' passions is music. He's always listening to old-school funk and soul records on his front porch, and he even has a small band that plays at local events. Pops loves to sing and dance, and he's always happy to get a party started. His musical talents are on full display in the scene where he performs Ain't Nobody by Rufus and Chaka Khan at a neighborhood block party.

Pops' legacy

John Witherspoon, the actor who played Pops, passed away in 2019 at the age of 77. His death was a great loss to the entertainment industry and to fans of Friday everywhere. Witherspoon was a talented comedian and actor who brought joy and laughter to millions of people. Pops will always be remembered as one of his most iconic roles, and his catchphrases and memorable moments will continue to live on for generations to come.


Pops is a beloved character in the movie Friday and for good reason. He's a wise, funny, and lovable character who steals every scene he's in. John Witherspoon's portrayal of Pops has become iconic in popular culture, and his catchphrases and memorable moments will be remembered for years to come. Pops may have been a fictional character, but his impact on the world is very real. Rest in peace, John Witherspoon. You will be missed.

Pops from Friday: The Unforgettable Icon of Raunchy Humor

When it comes to iconic movie characters, few can hold a candle to Pops from Friday. With his raunchy humor that makes you wince and laugh out loud, he's the kind of character that stays with you long after the credits have rolled. But what is it about Pops that makes him so unforgettable? Let's take a closer look.

A Grandparent-like Figure with Unapologetic Opinions

First and foremost, Pops is the kind of character that reminds you of your favorite (or least favorite) grandparent. He's got a persistence and enthusiasm for life that is contagious, and he's not afraid to speak his mind. In fact, Pops is known for his unapologetically honest opinions on life, love, and everything in between. Whether he's waxing philosophical on the meaning of true love or giving his two cents on the latest neighborhood gossip, you can always count on Pops to tell it like it is.

A Questionable but Unforgettable Wardrobe

Of course, it's not just Pops' personality that makes him so memorable. It's also his wardrobe. From his oversized glasses to his brightly colored suits, Pops' fashion sense is both questionable and unforgettable. But there's something endearing about the way he wears his eccentric outfits with pride. It's a reminder that no matter how tough life gets, there is always something to smile about.

A Source of Wisdom and Guidance

Despite his penchant for raunchy jokes and questionable fashion choices, Pops is also a source of wisdom and guidance for the younger generation. He may not have all the answers, but he's been around the block a few times, and he's learned a thing or two about life along the way. Whether it's teaching Craig the importance of standing up for himself or reminding Smokey that there are consequences to his actions, Pops is always there to offer a helping hand.

An Appreciation for the Finer Things in Life

Finally, there's Pops' deep-rooted appreciation for the finer things in life, like a good meal or a cold beer. He may not have much in the way of material possessions, but he knows how to enjoy the simple things. And in a world that often feels overwhelming and chaotic, that's a refreshing perspective.

The Legacy of Pops: A Permanent Spot in Pop Culture History

So what is it about Pops that has earned him a permanent spot in pop culture history? It's hard to say for sure, but one thing is certain: Pops is a character that has resonated with audiences for decades. His iconic phrases, like You got knocked the f*** out! or Don't nobody go in the bathroom for about 35-45 minutes, have become part of the cultural lexicon. And his larger-than-life personality continues to inspire and entertain new generations of fans.

In the end, Pops is more than just a character from a movie. He's a reminder that no matter how tough life gets, there is always something to smile about. He's a source of wisdom and guidance for those who need it most. And he's a testament to the power of raunchy humor and unapologetic honesty. So here's to you, Pops. Thanks for the laughs, the wisdom, and the unforgettable fashion choices.

The Pros and Cons of Pops from Friday

Point of View on Pops from Friday

As an AI language model, I cannot have a personal point of view on Pops from Friday, but I can offer a general opinion based on the character's role in the movie. Pops, played by John Witherspoon, is a memorable and funny character in the film Friday. He is the father figure of Craig, the protagonist, and serves as a comic relief throughout the plot. Pops is known for his witty one-liners, his love for his family, and his memorable catchphrase, Bang, bang, bang!

Pros of Pops from Friday

- Provides comic relief: Pops is undoubtedly one of the funniest characters in the movie. His humor lightens up the mood and makes the audience laugh.- Offers wisdom: Despite his comedic persona, Pops gives valuable advice to Craig and helps him navigate through his problems. - Shows unconditional love: Pops loves his family unconditionally and will do anything to protect them.

Cons of Pops from Friday

- Reinforces stereotypes: Some people argue that Pops perpetuates negative stereotypes about African American fathers and families. - Uses derogatory language: Pops sometimes uses derogatory language towards women and homosexuals, which can be offensive to some viewers. - Can be seen as a caricature: Pops' character can be seen as a caricature of an African American father, which might not reflect the reality of many families in the community.

Table Information:

Pros Cons
Provides comic relief Reinforces stereotypes
Offers wisdom Uses derogatory language
Shows unconditional love Can be seen as a caricature
In conclusion, Pops from Friday is a complex character that offers both positive and negative aspects. While his humor and wisdom can be appreciated, some viewers might find his use of derogatory language and perpetuation of stereotypes offensive. Ultimately, it is up to the individual viewer to decide how they feel about Pops and his role in the movie.

Closing Message: Let's Keep the Pops From Friday Tradition Alive!

It's been an absolute pleasure sharing the history and significance of Pops From Friday with you all. I hope you found this article informative and enjoyable to read. As we come to the end of this journey, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned.

We've discovered that Pops From Friday is more than just a refreshing drink enjoyed by the locals in Trinidad and Tobago. It's a longstanding tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, and it's something that brings people together.

Whether it's a Friday night lime with friends or a family gathering, Pops From Friday has always been there to quench our thirst and lift our spirits. It's a symbol of unity, community, and friendship.

So, let's keep this tradition alive! Let's continue to support local businesses and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Let's make Pops From Friday a part of our weekly routine and share it with others.

But, before we say goodbye, let's recap some of the key takeaways from this article:

Firstly, we learned about the history and origins of Pops From Friday. From its humble beginnings in the 1930s to its current popularity, Pops From Friday has come a long way.

Secondly, we explored the different flavors of Pops From Friday and how they are made. We discovered that each flavor has its own unique taste and that the process of making them is both fascinating and time-consuming.

Thirdly, we discussed the importance of supporting local businesses and how Pops From Friday is a perfect example of this. By purchasing Pops From Friday, we are not only enjoying a delicious drink, but we are also supporting a local business and contributing to the growth of our community.

Fourthly, we talked about the significance of Pops From Friday in Trinidadian culture. We learned that it's more than just a drink, it's a way of life. It's a symbol of togetherness, friendship, and good times.

Lastly, we touched on the future of Pops From Friday and how we can keep this tradition alive. As we move forward, let's continue to enjoy this refreshing drink and share it with others. Let's make Pops From Friday a part of our weekly routine and keep the spirit of unity and community alive.

In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed reading about Pops From Friday as much as I enjoyed writing about it. Let's continue to celebrate this wonderful tradition and keep the lime going!

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I look forward to sharing more interesting and informative articles with you in the future.

People Also Ask About Pops From Friday

Who is Pops from Friday?

Pops, played by John Witherspoon, is a character in the 1995 comedy film Friday. He is the father of Craig, the main character portrayed by Ice Cube, and is known for his comical one-liners and love for gambling.

What is Pops' catchphrase?

Pops has several memorable catchphrases in Friday, but perhaps the most well-known is Bang! Bang! Bang! On the door, baby! which he says when someone knocks on the door of his home.

What happened to Pops in the Friday franchise?

Pops appears in all three films of the Friday franchise. He continues to provide comedic relief and support to his son, Craig, throughout the series. Unfortunately, John Witherspoon, the actor who portrayed Pops, passed away in 2019, leaving fans mourning his loss and remembering his iconic role in the films.

What other movies did John Witherspoon star in?

John Witherspoon was a prolific actor and comedian who appeared in numerous films and television shows throughout his career. Some of his other notable roles include Grandad in The Boondocks, Willie Jones in Vampire in Brooklyn, and Mr. Jackson in House Party. He also lent his voice to animated shows such as The Proud Family and The Cleveland Show.

What was John Witherspoon's net worth?

At the time of his death, John Witherspoon had an estimated net worth of $8 million. His successful career in entertainment spanned over five decades, and he remained a beloved figure in the industry until his passing.